This Is The New Health Function That Will Incorporate The Next Smart Watch From Apple

This Is The New Health Function That Will Incorporate The Next Smart Watch From Apple
  • The new function will measure the temperature but will not give exact figures
  • We can find it in all versions of the Apple Watch Series 8, except in the SE

The launch of the next Apple Watch Series 8, Apple’s new smart watch, is getting closer and we know more and more about it, the latest news is that this watch will have an integrated system that will work like a thermometer to warn you when you have a fever

The expectation that is generated around any Apple product is not new, and that is that the technology they develop is usually one of the most cutting-edge on the market. During this year’s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) we learned that the California-based company was going to launch a new operating system for its smart watch with watchOS 9.

Unfortunately, this operating system will not have a series of health functions incorporated, such as sensors to measure blood pressure or blood sugar, but as compensation it seems that Apple has wanted to incorporate a function for health in what will be the new model of your smartwatch.

It has been in one of the newsletters of the technology expert of Bloomber, Mark Gurman, where he has assured that the next Apple Watch Series 8, which is expected in the second half of this year, will have a function to measure the temperature.

Fulfilling the function of the thermometer, this new tool will not indicate the user’s temperature exactly , but rather it will warn when sudden changes occur and in that case it will recommend first that you really check if you have a fever and then that you go to the doctor.

This new function can even be used to monitor fertility in women, since thanks to the fact that it records temperature changes, it could be used to know when you are ovulating. At the moment many other functions and novelties that the Apple Watch Series 8 will be equipped with are not known.

Again, according to Gurman, this function of measuring temperature will be present in the two standard models of the Apple Watch and in a version specially designed for elite athletes , and it does not seem that we will be able to find it in the SE version of this watch.

Tech Splashers

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