Cheap And Profitable franchises

Cheap And Profitable franchises

One way to minimize risk when undertaking can be to bet on cheap and profitable franchises. For this article, I have selected some businesses a little different from the usual ones, which suppose a low initial investment (less than € 30,000). They are just examples. Always inform yourself very well before signing with a franchise.

Caution: Not All Cheap Franchisees Are Profitable

The first thought that I have to share with you is that there are many franchise possibilities. Some are cheap, but not out of common sense, not all of them are going to be profitable.

Normally, when a company decides to create a franchise based on its concept, it is because it has been successful and it thinks that the strategy can be replicated. But, it doesn’t always happen. Brands that have been in the market for many years and have many franchisees tend to offer more guarantees, because they have objective data and a lot of experience. But there are also very promising newer concepts and they may deserve your attention.

Since there is so much on offer, it is difficult to know which franchises are really profitable and have a future. If you are going to opt for one, make sure you receive verified information. For example, you should be able to consult the financial results of other franchisees, and thus ensure the solvency of the concept. Because even the most famous brands are not a 100% bet. In the past, we have heard the news of bankruptcies sounded by networks that seemed very strong.

Many Franchises In The Same Sectors

According to what I have been able to verify when browsing the guides of the main franchise portals, some sectors have many franchising brands , for example travel agencies, aesthetics, management companies, restaurants, ice cream parlors and yogurt shops, clothing and accessories stores, printer cartridges, etc.

This strong presence seems to indicate that these are markets with potential. In addition, for the franchisee candidate, it offers several options to make a decision. But they are also more competitive sectors, and therefore perhaps not conducive to having cheap and profitable franchises. For this reason, the franchise selection I made focused on alternative sectors.

Find A Business That Fits Your Business Profile

The fact that franchises are businesses that come with the training and support of an established brand does not have to confuse you. To run a business, be it a franchise or your own, you have to have a suitable profile. In addition to the skills of an entrepreneur, it is recommended that you have experience in the sector, and an appropriate academic training. When you start, the promoter team is the most decisive success factor. Even in the franchise world.

Some Possible Cheap And Profitable Franchises

I have selected some interesting concepts because most are different and oriented to novel business ideas. I want to make it clear that in no case should the selection of this list be understood as a recommendation to invest in these businesses. As I said before, a future franchisee has to find out about the possibilities and the seriousness of each brand. We highlight these franchises for their apparent originality. The common point between many of them is that they focus on very specific market niches.

Ecowash Or Detail Car

Vehicle cleaning without water. It is a concept that is working with increasing force, driven by the greater concern for the environment, but also by the less infrastructure that the business requires, in terms of equipment and space. Often these franchises install a parking area in a shopping center.

Open 25 Hours Or All Hours

A vending machine that allows consumers to buy whatever they need at any time. The concept has been around for a few years in different countries, but it has not yet become widespread, and it can be a business opportunity. It requires little space, which makes it one of the cheapest franchises, and it can be profitable thanks to modern consumption modes. Customers already want to be able to buy at any time.

Asfa 21

The services to people, especially the elderly care, have to grow up in a society where life expectancy continues to grow. Demographics are the best ally of any business based on the senior market, like this concept.

Aloha Mental Arithmetics or Algorithmics

These are inexpensive franchises based on the niche market of children’s math academies, using successful proprietary methods (according to brands). The education market is undoubtedly a very interesting sector to undertake, and these two franchises have a very important network.


Farm management is a potentially very profitable business, provided a sufficient base of neighbourhood communities is built. The sale of having a franchise is to be able to take advantage of good prices for services such as cleaning or works, in addition to having good practices.

Help! Piojitos

Who knew that an establishment dedicated to eliminating child lice could be a profitable business? Well, it turns out it is. It is a very specific niche, but every year children are affected by those pesky critters, and it makes sense that there is a professional solution to remedy it.

Rock Rose

I’ve been talking on the blog for a long time about how difficult it is to survive in the fashion sector if you don’t belong to a chain. Perhaps one of the solutions is to dedicate yourself to a very specific section: children’s fashion, by the hand of one of the cheap franchises such as Rosa Roca.

II Broker

If you want to set up an insurance brokerage, it might be interesting for you to look at the possibility of partnering with a franchise network such as International Insurance Broker, to support you in their methodology and their contacts.


As you can see from all the examples above, many of the cheap and profitable franchises are in niche markets. This is again the case with Publipan, which makes a living by marketing advertising on the paper bags used to wrap bread. Original at least.

Coffee News

A concept based on the distribution of a free positive news newspaper in bars and restaurants, which generates advertising revenue with agreements with businesses in the area.

If you want to know more about franchises, I recommend that you read the article that we published some time ago on the matter, in it, you will also find a series of links to pages specialized in the franchise sector, where you can choose from hundreds of options.

Tech Splashers

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