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5G technology promises to be the next industrial revolution, precisely because it enables new production and business models. Thanks to its technical characteristics, far superior in all aspects to previous generations of mobile telephony and data, it will be the driver of many other converging technologies such as IoTAIEdge and Cloud Computing or Augmented and Virtual Reality.

In the last two years, the deployment has been constant, reaching 80% of the population, with a coverage that, as Vodafone has just announced, will reach 109 municipalities in 30 provinces this year . Meanwhile, there are already many companies that are using the full potential of the 5G network in use cases that have ceased to be pilot tests and have become success stories.   In this post we are going to reveal what impact 5G technology has on the different productive sectors: Energy , Industry , Tourism , Transport and Logistics , Education , Health and Pharma and  Agrifood. And we will do so by citing the reports produced by Vodafone Business and Capgemini Engineering.

7 Reports On The Impact Of 5G Technology By Sector

The Vodafone Business Innovation team, in collaboration with Capgemini Engineering and relevant players from different productive sectors, have prepared a series of documents that reflect the impact of 5G and other technologies in different industries.

It is about inspiring the different sectors with the aim that they can visualize real use cases that can be the seed that makes the digital evolution of the organization grow.

In the words of Carlos Becker (Director of the Corporate Segment and AAPP Vodafone Business) during the presentation of these reports   it is not just about deploying the network infrastructure, “but about starting projects and drawing conclusions”. Until now, in the case of the Pilot projects , we were basically talking about five things: The technology itself and what this technology contributes from a technical point of view and technological advances. Of the business models it provided, because it really was a more disruptive technology in business models than technological advances, of the depth of field that could attract the different sectors, of the ecosystem and talent effect. 

Based on these premises, the most in-depth document on 5G has been created to date in Spanish and which is intended to give rise to the following steps on 5G: «Let no longer talk about pilots, let there be no talk of of use cases, but to talk about projects».

The largest Study On 5G In Business Prepared In Spanish

For Luis Manuel Diaz de Teran (Capgemini Engineering Telecommunications Division Director) the study they have carried out is really a key tool, because it covers the seven most important sectors of the Spanish economy in depth. More than 280 pages of report in which more than 54 key players from these seven sectors have participated, with a multidisciplinary team, experts in technology, but above all experts in production processes and how technology changes the business model. In his own words:

“It is a decision-making tool for managers and people who want to solve the business model, so that their companies are much more competitive, and it generates much more wealth and employment.”

In the presentation of the sectoral reports ( see ), a short tour was made of some of the experiences recounted by the protagonists of some of the essential sectors. Enrique Colilles , General Director of Trops, explains that “The best time to start with a new technology is when the technology starts, because right now our imagination is really overflowing.” It is at this time, when “we have to think about what applications we can develop and we have to learn from them.” For his part, Dr. Pedro Ruiz Ripoll (Specialist Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at Ripoll and De Prado Sport Clinic) assures that “5G is going to be an essential instrument in medicine to be able to extend the quality of medical diagnosis, thanks to the quality in the transmission of images and tests, which will represent a very significant advance”. Regarding Tourism , Antonio Quiros Estepa (Coordinator of the National Pole of Digital Content) believes that   “one thing is to see a photo and another thing is to be inside the cathedral or in the tower that does not exist, even being where you have not been able to be never. That, obviously, without augmented reality is impossible to do , and this will be precisely one of the technologies that grows the most with 5G”. Or to speak of a more far-reaching industrial activity, Francisco de los Santos(Technology Director of the Port of Algeciras) explains how it is no surprise that information technologies are transforming the port sector and the maritime sector. In reference to his experience, he adds that “the fact that Vodafone’s 5G has lower latency facilitates the use of drones , facilitates optimal reception of data and the quality, of course, of the image that the drone can give us. to transmit”.

Alberto del Sol (Director of Innovation and Marketing Vodafone Business) was in charge of presenting in Madrid, broadcast by streaming , what he considers to be the 7 most relevant reports for the industry sectors in Spain , from an eminently practical point of view, because “ when we talk about open innovation or open innovation, it is useless to make use cases, put them into practice with clients, if you don’t count them later.”

At a time when many companies will be defining their strategic plan for the next year or the next three years, these documents can help define how to take advantage of technology, specifically 5G.

In addition, del Sol wanted to highlight that the technologies that the reports also talk about can help ensure that sustainability and how companies impact society, and “how technology can help them to have sustainable competitive advantages over time.”

The 5G experience of the sector players

On the occasion of the presentation of the reports, two round tables were organized with some of its protagonists. The first of these included Ruth Pablo, Head of Digital Transformation at the Port of Barcelona ; Jesus Regodon, Director of Innovation and Sustainability at Trops, a large avocado and mango producing company in southern Spain, in Malaga; Marcelino Caballero, Market Director of IKERLAN associated with the world of industry and innovation and Paulino Guerrero, Head of Technological Infrastructure and IT Operations at Cepsa. Each of them provided valuable insight into how the use of 5G is impacting their industry and business model.

Logistics And Transport Sector

Ruth Pablo summarized the complex situation in the logistics and sea freight transport sector as a result of situations such as COVID and how “the market is asking the logistics chain to be more flexible and more resilient, because these kinds of things are going to happen more frequently.” According to her, this is where technology is going to play a very important role, and in relation to technologies such as 5G in the case of ports, for example, it allows them to reach places where traditional telecommunications are difficult to access: “It is more difficult to lay fiber optics” he comments, while adding that, in addition, 5G is a great enabler of new technological solutions: “In the end, 5G is going to help improve operations, improve process automation, improve traceability of the merchandise and to know better what is happening and especially to have information in real time”. 

For example, in the Port of Barcelona, ​​geolocation tests have been carried out on pioneering vessels worldwide, about which Ruth wanted to remind us that “Let us not forget that in the near future we will begin to see connected vessels”.

Ruth Pablo commented on a very relevant topic that is standardization, on which Alberto del Sol wanted to influence: “When we talk about standardization in interoperability with other systems”. The so-called Internet of Things begins to be called Intelligence of Things because in addition to connectivity, we add an analytical layer and the intelligence of 5G. The fact that there are many elements in an industry or in a port that were connected with different protocols, with different security systems for IT managers was chaos. Now, “being able to standardize and having a technology that allows you to facilitate that connection allows you to later implement much more resilient security policies.”


Another essential and traditional sector such as agriculture is also being transformed by 5G technology. Here Jesus Regodon. He believes that innovation in the field has more to do with structural than technological problems, since until recently there was no energy in the field and there were no telecommunications either. “Energy and telecommunications are enablers to be able to produce more and better and efficiently,” he explains. However, for RegodOn, today energy comes through renewables and that obstacle has already been solved, while telecommunications connectivity is not 100 percent solved in rural areas, but there is already a large progress in that direction, and 5G will be essential. “That connection and that source of energy is driving the agricultural sector right now., to the transformation more than digital, a cultural transformation, because a change in the business model, thanks to the enabling of new technologies that are changing agronomic management, we are increasingly making decisions based on data , rather than by intuition , which is typical of the farmer. And on the other hand, it gives us tremendous potential that opens up a world of possibilities”.

Industry Sector

Marcelino Caballero , Market Director of IKERLAN, contributed his experience from a technology center belonging to the Mondragón Corporation and the Alliance of Basque Technology Centers. His projects in the field of data management and processes in the cloudthey cover the entire value chain and are applied to industries of all types and sizes. What they are trying to do with their IKERLAN KONNEKT platform is to empower companies, seek new solutions and find differential and competitive value in the market. Their clients include companies of all sizes, and he detailed the example of a manufacturer of industrial drills that can now “know three things that are very basic: the location of their drills, the availability of their drills and the work cycles that they they are doing their drills through that knowledge.” What this SME has improved with this digitization is all its after-sales service and the development of its product. That would be a case, for Caballero, very simple to understand. Secondly, 

Specifically, what they are monitoring is a press in real time, based on predefined and automatic patterns of artificial intelligence:

“What we are seeing is that we are monitoring each press stroke and we are able to see if there is a problem or even anticipate if there are going to be problems due to misalignment of the dies or the parts that make up the press.”

Energy Sector

The round table continued with the intervention of Paulino Guerrero from CEPSA, a company that already had some inertia or a track record in matters of private mobile networks with 4G to be deployed in the Huelva refinery and that is now committed to deploying 5G. Technology is a core issue in the refinery business. That is why Guerrero believes that this type of change depends more on the culture of the company and the motivations of the management, than on the rest of the departments. In the case of CEPSA, “the management of the factories, for example, has understood from the beginning that these are totally structural issues on which we will later build more” —he explains— “And also in the field, the field operators have accepted as a technology that they already live in their personal day, because everyone handles a mobile or has a tablet.” 

Applying 5G solutions in a place like a refinery has been a challenge for all of them that they feel satisfied with.

A factory or a refinery is a deeply automated facility from the ground up. However, there is a part where automation does not arrive in a medium range of equipment that must be monitored and especially in the field, because in a refinery nothing that enters there may not comply with anti-explosive regulations, for example. Despite the difficulties, CEPSA has 5G connected devices that can delegate instructions and maintenance operations, and thus can know the operating condition of a piece of equipment in real time and online.

The second round table brought together Héctor Coronel, Director of Madrid Destination Tourism of the Madrid City CouncilAlejandro Expósito, Digital & Business Operation Director at Merck and Andres Prado, ICT director at the University of Castilla-La Mancha .

Tourism Sector

When asked how 5G is going to impact Tourism , Héctor Coronel believes that in his case it will serve to redesign his entire strategy and how to redraw the Visitor Travel Journey, from a more inspirational part in the promotion of destinations: “Technologies such as 5G, precisely, what they are going to facilitate us is to anticipate those experiences to inspire those future visitors and that they choose our destination instead of other destinations.” Coronel believes that what will also facilitate connectivity, with artificial intelligence, is adapting the specificities of each market and each type of tourist to each tourist. What are his dreams, what does he want to do in destiny? A person can travel for work, another time they can travel with family, friends… and the needs at each moment are different.

Therefore, “what technologies have to help us with is precisely to identify and classify what those purposes are and, above all, to have an impact on the tourist offer.”

Geolocation also comes into play in this strategy once the tourist is already at the destination, which they already identify through geolocation, through mobile devices. The interesting thing “is the reorganization precisely of that agenda to impact on the fundamental aspects, which is first the optimization of their time, which is very valuable, and second, the economic impact it generates, since a tourist in a queue at a museum it is not spending and it is not investing its time well, and of course it is not impacting us in this indicator that is the average expenditure per tourist. And in the end all this impacts us in that last phase, which is what we want to achieve thanks to all this technology.”

Pharmaceutical And Health Sector

To talk about the pharmaceutical industryAlejandro Exposito explained the issue of ecosystems that are being promoted by the need for co-creation to exploit all the possibilities of 5G technology: “for example, we have an alliance called TRIUNFAR, which is about quantum computing, in which we look for use cases to be able to take them to the industry, and this is a pre-competitive environment. In other words, we usually say that we are here to share and not to compete. Then we’ll see. And of course we collaborate with the public part, of course”. 

In another example, Exposito believes that thanks to digitizing the system, new models of patient care can be created.

Regarding the limits of this coopetition in ecosystems, Alberto del Sol, as moderator of the table, wanted to know his opinion on whether he believes that there are departments that are more open to collaboration. He does believe that perhaps the technical departments have fewer problems and the engineers have certain needs that are very common within an industry, and they are more open. But when you go up the ladder and talk to marketing departments, or innovation, it’s like they close. “Well, you see, I think there’s a trick to it, and that is that you have to have a purpose —expósito replied— I think all companies have to have that purpose and then, with that purpose, some values. In our case, it is to create medicines that help improve people’s lives. We work to create products to improve and prolong people’s lives with that purpose. I believe that taking that ahead and sharing it with the rest of the actors in the system. I think that’s the best way to do it.” 

Educational Sector

Finally, it was the turn of Andres Prado, UCLM ICT Director, to analyze the impact of 5G in the educational sector and the possibility of incorporating technologies. And there too, that concept of 5G as a facilitator can help us a lot, especially, says Prado, “in those applied technologies or in teaching environments, where there is interactivity and synchrony between the teacher and the student.” Those environments he does understand can be greatly favored by the entry into play of a technology such as 5G. And in addition to that, he believes that we must take into account other challenges that are not specifically technological, but also linked to the very capacities of the actors that are part of the education sector :

“I am talking about being able to enhance the digital skills of our students, but also of our teaching staff.”

He believes that technology must be incorporated, but above all technology must be incorporated with new methodologies. From the University of Castilla-La Mancha they are leading a project to generate digital skills content for their students and for the general public, with the collaboration of almost twenty Spanish universities. There is another initiative from another set of universities to improve the digital skills of our teachers, specifically to improve the adoption of technology and the evolution of teaching methodologies incorporating this technology. Another project in which they are also participating is trying to extract information from all that amount of data that is going to be collected.

The 5G Industrial Revolution Is Already Underway, It’s Your Turn

Alberto del Sol closed the presentation of the sectoral reports stating that 5G is a technology that is going to revolutionize everything. Companies are going to radically change their processes and way of working, the way of relating between their own employees and with clients, of designing projects, they will have access to more efficient and secure networks, greater immediacy of response and will offer better 5G services. It will be a paradigm shift. New business models will appear that will mark a before and after in the transformation of companies and organizations.

Understanding the potential of 5G will be essential to building sustainable competitive advantages in all sectors.

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This Is The New Health Function That Will Incorporate The Next Smart Watch From Apple https://www.techsplashers.com/this-is-the-new-health-function-that-will-incorporate-the-next-smart-watch-from-apple/ https://www.techsplashers.com/this-is-the-new-health-function-that-will-incorporate-the-next-smart-watch-from-apple/#respond Tue, 05 Jul 2022 09:37:48 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=5971 The new function will measure the temperature but will not give exact figures We can

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  • The new function will measure the temperature but will not give exact figures
  • We can find it in all versions of the Apple Watch Series 8, except in the SE
  • The launch of the next Apple Watch Series 8, Apple’s new smart watch, is getting closer and we know more and more about it, the latest news is that this watch will have an integrated system that will work like a thermometer to warn you when you have a fever

    The expectation that is generated around any Apple product is not new, and that is that the technology they develop is usually one of the most cutting-edge on the market. During this year’s Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) we learned that the California-based company was going to launch a new operating system for its smart watch with watchOS 9.

    Unfortunately, this operating system will not have a series of health functions incorporated, such as sensors to measure blood pressure or blood sugar, but as compensation it seems that Apple has wanted to incorporate a function for health in what will be the new model of your smartwatch.

    It has been in one of the newsletters of the technology expert of Bloomber, Mark Gurman, where he has assured that the next Apple Watch Series 8, which is expected in the second half of this year, will have a function to measure the temperature.

    Fulfilling the function of the thermometer, this new tool will not indicate the user’s temperature exactly , but rather it will warn when sudden changes occur and in that case it will recommend first that you really check if you have a fever and then that you go to the doctor.

    This new function can even be used to monitor fertility in women, since thanks to the fact that it records temperature changes, it could be used to know when you are ovulating. At the moment many other functions and novelties that the Apple Watch Series 8 will be equipped with are not known.

    Again, according to Gurman, this function of measuring temperature will be present in the two standard models of the Apple Watch and in a version specially designed for elite athletes , and it does not seem that we will be able to find it in the SE version of this watch.

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    Five Tips To Optimize Human Resources Management https://www.techsplashers.com/five-tips-to-optimize-human-resources-management/ https://www.techsplashers.com/five-tips-to-optimize-human-resources-management/#respond Thu, 09 Dec 2021 09:44:00 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=5157 Today we want to address the issue of Human Resources management, essential for the proper

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    Today we want to address the issue of Human Resources management, essential for the proper functioning of any company. As stated in the “Human resource management”, it is about “the ability to keep the organization productive, efficient and effective based on its human resources”. Therefore, its objective is both the people and the relationships they establish in the organization. In addition, Human Resources management is also responsible for creating and maintaining a favorable work environment and developing the skills and capacities of workers in order to allow sustained individual and organizational development.

    How To Improve Human Resource Management?

    Taking into account the importance of Human Resources management, today we want to give you five tips to optimize it.

    Identify Priorities

    To optimize human resource management, the first thing to do is to identify the priorities of the organization. In this way, you can hire people who can really help you achieve your goals. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the situation of the company and make a forecast on the evolution of the market in the coming years. On the other hand, it is also essential to specify the budget for this department of the company so that it can raise the investment.

    Balance Between Technology And Human Capital

    According to the Albenture website , to improve management you have to seek efficiency and, therefore, find a balanced combination between technology and human capital, taking into account that the former should always be subordinate to the needs of the staff and not the other way around. Therefore, it is essential to seek the adaptability of all management software to the tasks performed by Human Resources personnel. In addition, it is recommended that both department heads and employees have access to these tools, which should not be too complex.

    Assess The Work Environment

    It is a good idea to make an assessment of the working environment of the company to find objective information on the degree of satisfaction of the members of the company and its level of compromise. Another objective of this assessment should be to find out if there are conflicts at work, such as lack of communication or lack of respect in order to solve them. Therefore, this diagnosis should be followed by an improvement plan.

    Choose leaders

    It must be remembered that in order to manage Human Resources in an optimal way, it is essential to choose well the leaders of the different teams, who must be aligned with the goal of the company in order to guide the workers. Of course, leaders must be well trained and have the emotional intelligence necessary to perform the leadership role.

    Incentivize Workers

    Finally, we want to talk about incentives, which are incentives or rewards that are very useful when it comes to motivating employees, getting the best out of themselves. Thus, it is a good idea to acknowledge a job well done by employees so that they show a greater commitment to the company. You can choose both collective and individual incentives.

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    8 Materials To Soundproof A Floor Or A Room And How To Do It https://www.techsplashers.com/8-materials-to-soundproof-a-floor-or-a-room-and-how-to-do-it/ https://www.techsplashers.com/8-materials-to-soundproof-a-floor-or-a-room-and-how-to-do-it/#respond Wed, 07 Apr 2021 10:54:41 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3933 The absence of noise is part of the comfort of a home. We all want to

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    The absence of noise is part of the comfort of a home. We all want to get home and enjoy the tranquility of silence. However, the noises from outside sometimes do not allow it. What can we do to soundproof a room? These are some tricks and materials to put an end to noise disturbances in a home once and for all. 

    Difference Between Soundproofing And Noise Absorption

    Before entering the matter, it seems important to us to clarify these two concepts. Soundproofing and noise absorption. In this way, you can later understand the different methods to reduce or end once and for all with the acoustic problems of a house. 

    Soundproofing: consists of the use of different types of materials to prevent noise from entering from the outside and into the home. This work involves a double direction. First, prevent the noise that occurs inside the house from going outside, which reduces noise pollution. And second, ensure that the noise from the outside penetrates inside the apartment.

    Noise absorption: It is about reducing the noise that occurs within a space. This is what is usually done inside auditoriums, theaters and conference rooms. Therefore, acoustic insulation is related to the ability of a material to reduce the transmission of sound through it. And is that all materials have a greater or lesser capacity to absorb portions of energy (sound waves) thus reducing the sound that is reflected by the chosen material.

    At this point, you may be wondering what the acoustic absorption of a material depends on. Well, the truth is that the amount of energy that is absorbed by a material is directly proportional to:

    • Shape, thickness, thickness and type of material. 
    • Sound frequency present.
    • Angle of incidence of sound on the insulating material.

    Types Of Acoustic Insulation

    When considering soundproofing a room we must take into account the different types of materials that exist for this purpose. Here is a list of the best acoustic insulators on the market:

    • Polyurethane foam – This is a sugar and petroleum compound with sound and heat insulation properties. Its high density makes it perfect for covering ceilings and partitions. In the rehabilitation or renovation of homes, this material is often used as a filler for the existing chambers on the building’s façade. Its only drawback is that it is highly flammable, so in the event of a fire, it would become a conductor of fire.

    • Rock wool or fiberglass: mineral wool is not flammable, so it is widely used for sound insulation in homes. They also do not produce toxic fumes or gases. Its excellent conditions allow it to absorb the loudest sounds, such as airborne noise. Of course, for its placement, it is necessary to adequately protect the eyes, nose and skin. 
    • Cork: this is an ecological material that is composed of small cells capable of absorbing noise. Cork has the advantage that it can be presented with the naked eye or covered with another class of materials. Also, it is a lightweight material that does not add weight to walls, ceilings or rooms.

    • Geotextile: highly resistant and durable recyclable product. It works both as an acoustic and thermal insulator. Its installation is somewhat more versatile than that of mineral wool, since it can be placed in an adhesive, screwed or nailed way.

    • Asphalt sheets or sheets: this is a very flexible material with the ability to damp and absorb loud noises. Asphalt sheets are used especially for waterproofing terraces, roofs and roofs. Its installation is relatively simple. The plates are placed overlapping each other and always in the same direction. Finally the sheet is welded using a torch. 
    • Polyester fibers: especially suitable for low frequency acoustic insulation. Its high porosity guarantees its great ability to neutralize noise. Its use is quite frequent on internal walls. Its presentation is usually in panels with specific dimensions.

    • Melamine foams – This is a flexible and lightweight material. If finished in wedges or micro holes, it is designed to be seen. Melamine foam not only reduces noise, but also improves the sound quality of the room or room.

    • Massive materials – multilayer: if we have to highlight one above all, then we will choose lead. This material is used as sound insulation in the form of sheets of different thicknesses. Another example of a multilayer material is the sheets of textile fibers combined with bituminous material.

    How To Choose A Good Acoustic Insulator

    To make the right choice of sound insulation you have to first determine the intensity and frequency of the noise you are dealing with, as well as its origin. To do this, you must first know what is considered noise. Any sound that exceeds the 75dB barrier is already harmful to health. This threshold can be exceeded by a street full of traffic, a television with a high volume, a construction site, etc. 

    On the other hand, it is necessary to analyze what are the characteristics of this sound. That is, if the noise is punctual it is not so annoying, but if the sound has a usual frequency and continuity it can become maddening. Similarly, if the noise is frequent, but discontinuous. 

    The next thing you have to consider is whether you need sound insulation or noise absorption. Previously, we have already mentioned the differences between the two concepts. Finally, we will determine if the insulation has to be carried out on the inside or outside of the house. If we need this to be inside, we must choose materials with absorbent properties, such as low density, sponginess and penetrability. On the contrary, if it is an acoustic insulation on the outside of the house, we can take advantage of it to carry out an acoustic-thermal reform. To do this, we will choose materials that fulfill this double function. In other words, isolate from noise without loss of energy through the walls.

    Steps to follow before soundproofing a floor or room

    Before getting down to work, you must take into account a series of considerations to reduce costs and time. To achieve good insulation inside your home you need to follow a process in which:

    • Determine the source of the noise (neighbors, excess traffic, airborne noise, etc.). In this way, you can focus on those areas of the house that need more soundproofing.
    • Know the types of materials to soundproof a floor to choose the one that best suits your needs. Thanks to the previous section, you already have a little more information about it. 
    • Choose between the different measurements and thicknesses of the chosen material. 
    • Analyze the different leakage points inside the house (windows, doors, roof…) 
    • Trust specialized professionals like us to carry out this kind of work. Only then will the results be guaranteed. 

    Other Tips For Soundproofing A Room

    We are going to put ourselves in a situation with two cases of acoustic insulation. The first of them will be to soundproof the external noise of a home. These are the steps to follow:

    • Window insulation: This can be done by replacing old windows with new ones with insulating properties. The acoustic insulation of a window depends directly on the shape of its opening, the type of material or glass, the thickness of the air chamber between the panes, as well as its manufacturing method (double glazing).

    • Walls: the installation of acoustic panels is effective in absorbing and reducing echoes from outside. This material is affordable and easy to install. The acoustic material is placed behind the wall. The thicker it is, the better the result.

    We now turn to the case of acoustic insulation from inside a house. If you notice that there is an echo in the rooms or that you can hear the conversations through the walls, then you need a change. To do this, take note of the following recommendations:

    • Interior walls. the separation of rooms is often not done with the right materials. This results in thin walls unable to block the passage of sound. To do this, you can change these walls or add elements such as curtains, carpets or panels that manage to trap the noises.

    • Doors: just as windows play an important role as acoustic insulators from exterior sound, doors do so with interior noise.

    • Soundproofing of ceilings and floors: this is an important work that requires time and patience. However, if your quality of life is going to improve considerably, it is worth rolling the blanket over your head.

    Trust the professional services of companies like TechSplashers to soundproof a floor and put an end to those annoying noises once and for all. Improve the comfort of your home and start living a new life away from the madding crowd. 

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    Hardy Houseplants And Other Spring Business https://www.techsplashers.com/hardy-houseplants-and-other-spring-business/ https://www.techsplashers.com/hardy-houseplants-and-other-spring-business/#respond Thu, 11 Mar 2021 09:36:12 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3777 To celebrate the change of season, we are going to talk about business ideas with plants, starting

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    To celebrate the change of season, we are going to talk about business ideas with plants, starting with indoor plants that are resistant to bad gardeners and lack of care. But since it is already spring, we have three other green concepts that could be interesting for entrepreneurs.

    Hardy Houseplants

    Those who have had a houseplant that died due to lack of care, too intense exposure to the sun or any other reason, raise their hands. It is something quite common. We need a plant to decorate our apartment, a small window to the natural world in our urban jungles, but often we do not have the time or knowledge to choose the right plant.

    That is why you could imagine a florist (more like a plant shop), online or on the street, that specializes in selling very resistant plants, with a small user manual for the most clumsy.

    Gardening And Plant Care Classes

    Continuing with the idea that many of the citizens have forgotten the secrets of cultivation, and that there is a growing tendency to return to nature, with the assembly of small urban gardens on terraces and balconies, one could imagine creating a company that of gardening and plant care classes. In addition to being a relaxing activity, it would be useful for many people, something similar to what happens with cooking classes.

    A Vertical Garden At Home

    One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Today, many buildings cover their walls in green, with vertical gardens. Now you have the opportunity to do the same at home. On the Urban Gardens page they explain how we can use recycled plastic coffee cups to create our little vertical ecosystem. Such an idea could be adapted to the Spanish market and commercialized.

    Bonsai Rental

    One of the most difficult indoor plants to care for is bonsai. It is actually a dwarf tree, a normal specimen of any species kept small thanks to traditional Japanese techniques. To make it easy for people who want to decorate their homes with these time-consuming trees, a good idea would be to rent them. So the client could change plants from time to time. The rental would be accompanied by care and monitoring by the company, to keep the bonsai in perfect condition at any time.

    Whether you liked these business ideas or not, come back to visit us another time, as we regularly publish new concepts. To make it easier for you, you can become a follower of us on Facebook.

    Before starting your project, it is recommended that you prepare a business plan.

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    Putting A Profitable Online Business Without Investment: Advertising Platform On Twitter https://www.techsplashers.com/a-profitable-online-business-without-investment-advertising-platform-on-twitter/ https://www.techsplashers.com/a-profitable-online-business-without-investment-advertising-platform-on-twitter/#respond Fri, 05 Mar 2021 06:42:37 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3707 Lately, we published an article on how to take advantage of the growth of the

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    Lately, we published an article on how to take advantage of the growth of the Internet advertising market and another on business ideas based on social networks. Both inspire today’s concept: it’s about using a Twitter account as a platform for ads. It is an online business, profitable and without investment other than the time you will dedicate.

    A Profitable And Straightforward Online Business

    What Is The Idea?

    It is a very simple idea, effortless to implement, but also very easy to copy if it is successful. It would consist of creating a Twitter account where an advertisement would be published per day (which would be repeated two or three times during the day).

    Why only once a day? Simply so as not to annoy followers with too much information that they might consider spam. In fact, Groupon does something similar with its daily email deals.

    It Takes A Lot Of Work To Grow

    If you want to create a Twitter ad platform that can generate money, you first need to create a community with many followers. Your main goal would be to build a sufficient follower base for your ads to have the desired impact.

    It would require an important job to make yourself known on the social network. But I think that if you go head-on, telling people that you are only going to share interesting offers, you may be creating a good base. There are many people who want to be up to date with the best offers, and if your account does not publish too much, it will not cause rejection.

    How Much Can You Earn?

    You could generate income from the beginning, with a growth proportional to your base of followers. Initially, you could charge a very small amount per ad, then ask for much larger amounts.

    For example, you could ask € 1 to publish an ad when you have 5,000 followers, € 10 for 50,000 people and € 200 when you reach 1,000,000 followers.

    A single person, working from home, could then without much effort, earn € 4,000 a month, but that only after an intense and long work to make their product known, get followers (real and quality) and find advertisers.

    A profitable Online Business, Easy To Decline And Copy

    You Can Make Many Versions Of The Same Concept

    The idea could then be extended to more specific groups of potential customers, for example, with daily advertisements dedicated to beauty products and services, sports, etc. Because the ads will be more specific, you may charge more for them.

    There is also the option of being able to decline the concept later on Facebook and LinkedIn. In this last example, a version with job vacancies could be made.

    You, Will, Have To Compete With Many Actors

    The problem with a profitable online business is that it usually has few barriers to entry. In this case, no investment is required, and the technology is available to everyone since it is a platform for ads on Twitter. There is nothing easier than creating an account. So if the model works, you will have to compete with many other people who will do the same.

    Your only differential factors will be:

    • the quality and relevance of the ads you run
    • the work you do to create a community of real users (and not follow/unfollow bots)

    What do you think about the idea? Do you think that a Twitter ad platform can be a profitable online business? You can share your opinion in the comment section.

    Before launching your idea, put it to the test with a good business plan

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    How Shall Artificial Intelligence Grow In Leaps And Bounds In 2021? https://www.techsplashers.com/how-shall-artificial-intelligence-grow-in-leaps-and-bounds-in-2021/ https://www.techsplashers.com/how-shall-artificial-intelligence-grow-in-leaps-and-bounds-in-2021/#respond Thu, 14 Jan 2021 09:51:34 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3396 The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the entire planet to a halt and devastated several sectors

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the entire planet to a halt and devastated several sectors of our economy. Several nations around the globe have seen a sharp decline in their GDP and the economy of many other countries is still inching towards a state of complete ruins, as we speak of it. However, the one sector that has managed to stay afloat and shown some promising advancements throughout the pandemic is that of technology, and more specifically, Artificial Intelligence.

    Artificial Intelligence, or what we shall address as AI throughout the article, has shown great potential and has been something to look forward to. It has enhanced the ways in which organizations functioned during the pandemic, and has also been a go-to technology to tackle the spread of the virus.

    How Shall Artificial Intelligence Grow in Leaps and Bounds in 2021?

    Business enterprises with a bulk load of furloughed and fired employees have been using AI to the best of their abilities. AI has stepped in to fill in the blank of human labour and helped ease the burden of work. Plus, with most organizations going remote, technology is now the only saving grace to stay put in business. AI has been playing an integral part for businesses to stay afloat and manage communication with their clients. Plus, it has also been touted as a tool that can help reshape the ways businesses function.

    Having said that, let us now see how Artificial Intelligence, with the help of Machine Learning, is helping the world put up a brave fight against the pandemic. And while we are at that, we shall also check how these technological innovations shall fare in 2021 and beyond.

    Use Of AI In Hiring And Managing Employees Effectively:

    As we have already mentioned before, AI has been helping organizations manage their business process now, more than ever. With employees being laid off and sent on an indefinite period of hiatus, the only saving grace for businesses is Artificial Intelligence. AI has helped several business organizations manage their work without having to depend on human labour. From replying to emails effectively to deploying other technological innovations, like bots, for a line of work, AI has done it all.

    Now with the pandemic still at large, organizations have been laying off several employees as we have mentioned earlier. This, by default, means, that in 2021, there shall be a renewed focus on hiring. AI is expected to help organizations manage the process of hiring by effectively sifting through able and qualified candidates within a short span of time.

    It is also expected that geographical boundaries and sovereign borders shall cease to be impediments in the hiring process with the help of AI. With the right tools deployed by AI, the right people, from all across the planet, can be hired for jobs.

    AI Shall Enable Complete Digital Transformation:

    All these years, digitalization has only stood for the digitalization of products and services. However, there is a good enough reason to believe that digitalization shall mean optimization and automated decision-making processes in businesses using AI, in the coming year. Mucho Vegas online casino in Canada is an example of businesses opting for automated decision-making processes.


    With AI helping in making decisions, the need for human intervention in such casinos has been reduced, and interested people can play their favourite games without any hassle. And this is not just true for the gaming or gambling industry. The financial sector, insurance and manufacturing industries are all gradually leveraging the uses of AI.


    AI and its underpinning technology, Machine Learning, shall find their ways into multiple business processes and not only increase their efficiencies but also come up with new products. These days, there are a number of AI and ML automation platforms that have made it incredibly easy to implement AI into business systems without requiring any investment in a data science team.

    Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Shall Do More Than Just Predict Outcomes:

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have a lot more to do than just predict outcomes for business processes. They shall gradually evolve to become a multifaceted tool. The function that we are talking about here is hypothesis generation. AI is now all set to provide insights into past trends and events. AI and ML shall help businesses uncover facts that would have otherwise remained unknown.

    This shall help businesses understand crucial data patterns required to make essential business decisions. This trend, that is all set to dominate 2021 is going to help businesses stay ahead of the curve and grow to magnanimous heights.

    AI Shall Impact Adjacent Technologies as Well:

    AI Shall Impact Adjacent Technologies As Well:

    It is also expected that in 2021, AI shall impact adjacent technologies like robotics and automation. Artificial Intelligence is all set to enable technologies like robotics to achieve maximum efficiency and impact business processes. Plus, it is not just business organizations that shall leverage the use of AI and its impact on adjacent technologies like robotics.


    AI has also been helping patients and caregivers to reduce exposure to the virus, amidst the pandemic. Several health screening methods are being developed for swift diagnoses of health issues. 2021 shall also be the year when AI, along with robotics, shall help in the quick treatment of ailments. Therefore, it can be seen that it is not just businesses that shall be transformed with the help of AI and its adjacent tools, but also the healthcare system.

    Summing Up:

    Artificial Intelligence has penetrated almost every sector of our lives. We are gradually becoming heavily reliant on the services of AI, and as the days bleed into years, AI shall only evolve. Business organizations shall rely on AI and what it has to bring to the table. Therefore, it is essential to learn about the true potential of AI, so that when the time comes, we can be ready to embrace all that it brings in.


    From enhancing the process of diagnoses of several diseases to easing out the bulk of work in organizations, AI shall come handy to human beings in 2021 and beyond, in more ways than we could fathom. Therefore, it is now just a wait of time until the true potential of AI is unlocked, and we get to enjoy a better and more comfortable life.

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    Dangerous Area. Google Maps Will Show The Number Of COVID-19 Infections In A Specific Location https://www.techsplashers.com/google-maps-will-show-the-number-of-covid-19-infections-in-a-specific-location/ https://www.techsplashers.com/google-maps-will-show-the-number-of-covid-19-infections-in-a-specific-location/#respond Mon, 11 Jan 2021 05:22:00 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3414 Google has added locality-specific COVID-19 infection data to its branded online maps. The service will

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    Google has added locality-specific COVID-19 infection data to its branded online maps. The service will warn about the average number of new disease cases in seven days per 100 thousand people.

    Over the past ten years, online Google Maps has evolved from a regular navigation service to a complete everyday travel guide.

    Using this application, you can find out how to get to work or home, bypassing traffic jams, whether your favourite restaurant is open now, or, as a last resort, read the schedule of public transport in an unfamiliar city.

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, user safety became especially important for Google developers, so its representatives decided to add data on coronavirus infections in a specific area to their online mapping service.

    Earlier, Google introduced functions to track the highest activity in public places and alerts about areas in which movement may be restricted due to quarantine.

    Recently, Google Maps added the ability to view the number of COVID-19 infections in a specific map location. To do this, click on the “Card Type” icon in the upper right corner of the page and select “COVID-19 Information”.

    The service will automatically highlight the places on the map with the highest number of coronavirus infections in red. The new feature takes into account the average number of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people over the past seven days in the area of ​​the map you are viewing.

    A corresponding label will also appear on the maps, informing about the increase or decrease in the number of infections. Google says the data is relevant for all 220 countries and territories that their mapping service supports.

    “The data comes from several reputable sources, including Johns Hopkins University, The New York Times and Wikipedia. These sources receive data from public health organizations such as the World Health Organization, government health ministries, and state and local health agencies and hospitals,” Google said.

    Recall that a few weeks ago, Google launched the ShakeAlert system for tracking earthquakes around the world through Android gadgets. The system uses accelerometers built into mobile devices to determine seismic activity.

    “Your Android smartphone can be part of an earthquake alert system wherever you live. This means that an Android smartphone could be a mini seismometer, joining millions of other Android phones to form the world’s largest earthquake detection network,” Google said.

    Upon receiving suspicious accelerometer data, each smartphone with this system will send a signal to the Google server. ShakeAlert will determine the device’s location and compare the data with calls from other Android gadgets in this region.

    Additional widgets “Earthquake” and “Earthquake near me” will appear in Google search results, with the help of which users can find up-to-date information about their region and receive instructions on what to do.

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    Technological Development, Do We Face Reality Or Do We Live An Illusion? https://www.techsplashers.com/technological-development-do-we-face-reality-or-do-we-live-an-illusion/ https://www.techsplashers.com/technological-development-do-we-face-reality-or-do-we-live-an-illusion/#respond Fri, 08 Jan 2021 07:29:00 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3388 In Mexico, science and technology policy must guarantee financing for basic sciences, points out Juan

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    In Mexico, science and technology policy must guarantee financing for basic sciences, points out Juan Alberto González Pinon.

    In the last 25 years, Conacyt implemented different programs to stimulate innovation in the private sector through direct and indirect support. At that time, the sectors with the greatest benefits were automotive, chemical, food, pharmaceutical, health and aerospace; however, these supports have had a low impact.

    According to the OECD, in the country only 2.9% of all companies introduce new or significantly improved products and/or processes to the market; In cases such as Canada, Germany and Australia, the percentages of companies that carry out innovations corresponded to 40%, 36% and 35% respectively.

    We cannot wait for the government to fill this gap exclusively, the industry must rise to the challenge of applying the new knowledge in the development of solutions to the demands of both the market and society; It is necessary to promote the application of scientific and technological knowledge towards practical ends that respond to the large number of problems and needs that afflict our reality.

    In this it is clear that the results of scientific research cannot always be planned, however, it is also true that it is necessary to support research that seeks the general welfare of society.

    In Mexico, science and technology policy must guarantee funding for basic sciences, from which it is desirable to expect a constant stream of findings that can be translated into new technological advances and innovation.

    Public policies, as government actions with public objectives and interests, must be supported by a process of diagnosis and feasibility analysis; For this reason, the implementation of scientific and technological policy requires the application of quantitative tools that allow evaluating their results and impacts in addressing the country’s problems and needs.

    Some of the challenges are:

    – Strengthen the regulatory framework and industrial protection policies, within organizations or institutions, with a clear emphasis on the territorial nature of scientific and technological policy; In other words, priority must be given to the management of industrial property incorporated in goods and services originating in the country.

    The industrial property system is one of the ways to promote applied research and its subsequent materialization in high-tech goods; Therefore, it must be able to enforce the IP rights of companies, in order to offer legal certainty in the granting of protection for inventions, as well as to avoid the inappropriate leakage of information that puts at risk the novelty and inventive activity of the creations.

    The knowledge drain can inhibit the transfer of technologies towards the national supply chain.

    It is necessary to increase the number and improve the technical level of examiners since the most urgent operational problem of the national patent system is the limited capacity to attend to the volume and complexity of technological activities, which puts strong pressure on the examiners patent.

    Offer researchers technical assistance and technology management practices; The current patent system in Mexico has significant social costs and could discourage innovation rather than incentivize it.

    Take advantage of programs and support from international organizations, such is the case of the Inventors Assistance Program (PAI), this is a WIPO initiative in cooperation with the World Economic Forum, it is the first worldwide program that links inventors and small financially-resource-poor companies in developing countries with patent attorneys.

    These experts provide their legal aid services free of charge to assist inventors in the procedures for obtaining patent protection. This program today is only applied by Colombia, Ecuador, the Philippines, Morocco, Peru and South Africa.

    Establish a policy that encourages transnational companies with operations in Mexico to intentionally generate horizontal and vertical spills of these new techniques and methods, in order to support the accumulation of technological capabilities in the national industry; that is, to encourage and encourage these foreign companies to seek to transfer technology and knowledge directly to the national companies that are part of their supply chain.

    The results shown give evidence that the Mexican economy has not provided favourable conditions that allow the promotion of inventive activity in such a way that the number of Mexican patents increases as the economy grows.

    It has not been possible to establish an accumulation of technological capabilities, nor a solid technological trajectory that opens the doors to what could be a virtuous circle between levels of technological development and economic growth rates in real terms.

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    Advantages Of The Electronic Digital Signature For Companies https://www.techsplashers.com/advantages-of-the-electronic-digital-signature-for-companies/ https://www.techsplashers.com/advantages-of-the-electronic-digital-signature-for-companies/#respond Wed, 06 Jan 2021 13:12:39 +0000 https://www.techsplashers.com/?p=3380 The digital signature has become the most common, efficient and necessary document verification mechanisms for many procedures.

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    The digital signature has become the most common, efficient and necessary document verification mechanisms for many procedures. We tell you what it is and what its benefits are. 

    What Is The Digital Signature? 

    The digital signature is defined as a series of electronic data associated with an electronic document. 

    In the same way that written signatures must be non-transferable and unforgeable, the digital signature is associated with a secret key exclusively linked to a person due to the specific graphology of each person.  

    Thus, the digital signature is a cryptographic mechanism that, through algorithms, generates a unique signature for each person.

    The digital signature is regulated through Law 59/2003 on Electronic Signature. In this way, Spanish legislation gives legal equality to the electronic signature compared to the handwritten one.

    The main functions of the digital signature are:

    • Identify the person who signs without equivocation.

    • Guarantee that the signed document has not been altered or tampered with compared to the signed original. These is essential given the editing capabilities that exist in the electronic document format.

    • Ensure that the signer cannot deny or repudiate the later signed document, claiming that it is not his signature. 

    How Does The Digital Signature Work? 

    The digital signature is attached to the digital certificate or electronic DNI. Thus, these documents contain the unique cryptographic keys necessary to use the signature, so that they unequivocally identify a person. 

    You must contact the Certification Service to enter the information. These electronic issue certificates in a secure and trustworthy way and are included in a list by Spain’s Government. 

    There are two ways to create a signature.

    • Download the AutoFirma application from the Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations on the computer equipment that the user has. These means that it is not necessary to be connected to the internet to generate the signature. 

    Sign up for an online application or applications, the VALID service is used, which works in the internet browser. 

    Then, the process to use the electronic signature consists of the following steps: 

    1. It begins with a user who has, on the one hand, his electronic certificate and, on the other hand, an electronic document that he wishes to sign. The digital signature can be applied to documents in various formats, including a spreadsheet, a PDF, or an image.

    2. The digital signature makes a unique summary of the document to be signed so that any modification of the form would cause an improvement of the resume. Thus, it is possible to guarantee that the record has not been modified after signing. 

    3. The application uses the user’s private key to encrypt the document.
    4. In this way, an electronic form is generated that has the password of the signing user. The digital signature is considered to be the document resulting from this process, and it is what should be kept (photos of this or screenshots do not work).

    Advantages Of The Digital Signature In Companies

    Having a digital signature simplifies many daily procedures in a company’s reality and allows them to be carried out online, without the need to travel. 

    In this way, it entails multiple benefits when carrying out standard procedures with public administrations, such as the Income Declaration or the request for documents such as working life.

    Besides, it allows to simplify other procedures in the field of business, such as signing documents (contracts, invoices). 

    In short, having a digital signature is an essential step for any company or self-employed person that seeks to shorten procedures to focus on growing their business. 

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