Best Tips To Increase Your Income From Google Ads

Best Tips To Increase Your Income From Google Ads

Working with Google Ads is a must nowadays. The number of new online businesses that are opened every single day is growing rapidly. And the Covid-19 pandemic had quite a big influence on that. As people started buying more things online rather than from their local stores, the demand for online stores has increased. 

Also, there are many unfortunate people who lost their jobs because it was simply impossible to accomplish their job working from home, so they started their own online businesses. And there are the ones who had physical shops but entered the eCommerce world to survive. Therefore, the online business market is more crowded than ever.

And for all of these reasons, you need a very good Google Ads strategy in order to compete with your competitors, drive more traffic to your website, and earn more money. Google advertising made easy by Clever Ads can help you achieve all of these goals. And if you want to learn even more about earning more money from Google Ads, then read on.

Tip #1: Make Sure Your Ads And Landing Pages Are Relevant

Make Sure Your Ads and Landing Pages Are Relevant

If you are running a pay-per-click advertising campaign on Google Ads, it is crucial that you make sure your ads and landing pages are relevant – otherwise, you will not only not increase the amount of money you make from Google Ads – you will start losing money. Unfortunately, this issue is often not spotted and not fixed at the right time.

The first thing you should do is you should ensure that when you create an ad and add a link to a landing page, those two factors must be relevant and in sync. Make sure that the copy reflects the same content and the same information that your potential customer will find when he visits your website. 

For example, if you are selling hair products, that is exactly what you should say in your ad. Avoid confusing people and do not use such general keywords like “beauty products” in your ads. Surely, hair products really are beauty products, but it is very likely that a person who clicks this ad will be searching for makeup rather than a shampoo. And as you are paying per click, this will only cost you money and bring no conversion. Be specific with Google Ads keywords in your advertising campaigns. 

Tip #2: Use Ad Extensions

 Use Ad Extensions

Ad extensions are small pieces of additional information that you can add to an ad that you are currently creating. What it will do is it will make your ad look more specific, and some pieces of additional information might be just what your potential customer needs in order to choose you instead of your competitors. 

Ad extensions are always worth trying because it can really give you a big boost in ad performance. You might just add that piece of information that indicates what a specific person was looking for. Here is a list of extensions that you can choose from and a short description about them:

  • Callout Extensions. These ones can help you build more user trust by including phrases like “Certified Service” or anything similar.
  • Sitelinks Extensions. Under your already existing ad, you can add a couple of links that link to specific categories of your online store. For example, if you are selling shoes, you could add these three categories that will shorten the time of the search for your customer: “Women Shoes”, “Men Shoes”, “Kids Shoes”.
  • Structured Snippets. These will help you include information about all kinds of features that work very similar to site link extensions.
  • Location Extensions. If you run a local business, it is highly recommended to link your Google Ads account to your Google My Business account. Then, if somebody searches for your product or service, Google will show them an option to navigate people directly to your store.
  • Call Extensions. If someone looks for your type of business on Google search, they will be able to click and dial your number directly without copying and pasting your phone number, which is very convenient and makes everything work much faster. 

Tip #3: Optimize Your Blog For Google

Optimize Your Blog for Google

If you still do not have a blog on your website, then you should definitely start one because it can help you with SEO and boost the performance of Google Ads, which will bring in more money. And once you have a blog, you need to optimize your blog for Google – so it helps you generate more traffic to your online store.

So first of all, you will be adding ads that link to your blog posts – so make sure you write only about the things that people would actually look for – do not just advertise your products or services. Secondly, make sure the content in your post matches what your ad is communicating – otherwise, people will leave your website, and you will end up losing money because of the pay-per-click advertising campaign.

Tech Splashers

Tech Splashers

Tech Splashers are a team full of web developers, freelancers, tech bloggers, and digital marketing executives. We are passionate about the latest technology news, upcoming gadgets, business strategies and many more upcoming trends. We spread the tech news with passion and tenacity.

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